Monday 13 February 2017

The Power of Forgiveness (3)

The reality of God’s forgiveness completely transforms us. Not only does it bring us release from guilt and condemnation, it also fills our hearts with love and reverence for Him. This was the lesson in the parable He taught at the Pharisee’s house recorded for us in Luke 7:36-47. An appreciation of the extent, value and depth of God’s forgiveness fills our hearts with deep joy and draws us in adoration and worship to Him.
But there is forgiveness with Thee, that thou mayest be feared.
Psalm 130:4 KJV
Fear in the verse above is not a servile recoil from a terrifying being, but a filial reverence. It describes a reverential awe of the Most High and not a restricting fear that seeks to avoid His presence.

Forgiven to forgive
One other thing God’s forgiveness does is that it transfers upon us an obligation to forgive other people.
“And be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving one another, just as God also forgave you in Christ"
Ephesians 4:32 HCSB
“…accepting one another and forgiving one another if anyone has a complaint against another. Just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you must also forgive.”
Colossians 3:13 HCSB
The verses quoted above mandate us to forgive others in exactly the way God forgave us in Christ. Let us therefore note a few points about the standard of forgiveness God expects us to extend to others:

-         Forgiveness is not denying that you have been hurt. Forgiveness is about recognizing the hurt but releasing the offender

-         Forgiveness is also not about repressing your anger or waiting for time to heal the wounds. Often people do not really forgive but keep repressing or suppressing their anger and then finally flare up when they have gone beyond their threshold. Waiting for time to heal the hurt too may just allow the emotional wounds to fester and set you into a mode of bitterness. Forgiveness is about resolving your anger by releasing the offense and the offender.

-         Forgiveness should not be based on your feelings. Forgiveness is a choice, an act of your volition in which you release your resentment and relinquish your right to get even or to get back at the offender. Relying on your emotions to decide when or whether to forgive is an obstacle that may then lead to unforgiveness.

-         People may never earn your forgiveness. In fact some people may never come back to apologize for what they did to you. God mandates you to forgive all the same. Sometimes people do not want to appear “weak” or they listen to negative advice from other people and so they don’t forgive. When we do so, we live below the standard God has called us to live by.

A Word on Unforgiveness
To end this series of posts on forgiveness, I believe it will be helpful to share a few thoughts on unforgiveness. (These should encourage you to walk in forgiveness more 😊)

-         Unforgiveness locks you in the past, keeps the hurts alive and keeps the wounds open. Forgiveness on the other hand sets you free from the past and allows the wounds to heal.

-         Unforgiveness produces bitterness that spreads and infects one’s life and being. People who live in unforgiveness become sarcastic, nasty, condemning and often lashing out at people. Forgiveness dispels the bitterness and people who walk in forgiveness are filled with love, joy, peace, gentleness and goodness.

-         Unforgiveness along with bitterness also causes bad health. Scientific research has shown that people who walk in forgiveness and live without bitterness have improvements in physical energy levels, mood, sleep quality, overall physical vitality, reduced heart rate and improvements in immune function. Top-rated Medical Centers now include advice on forgiveness in their tips to their clients on healthy living.

-         Unforgiveness gives Satan a foothold and an open door into our lives and relationships (see Ephesians 4:26, 27 and 2nd Corinthians 2: 10, 11). Often believers keep binding and casting the devil in their prayers but then they open the door for him as they live in unforgiveness. Forgiveness evicts the devil from our relationships and shuts the door firmly in his face.

This week I pray for you that you will come to an increasing awareness of how God has freely forgiven you, that you will embrace His forgiveness and that by the help of His Spirit you will live your life extending grace to other people as you forgive them just as He forgave you. Amen.

My song of the week is "Covered" by PlanetShakers.

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