Sunday 30 October 2016

Choices (4)

Making Right Choices
As we come to the end of this series on choices, I will share some practical steps that help us make the right choices in different situations or circumstances that we face as believers in Christ.

1. Choose to follow explicit commands of Scripture: There are many direct instructions in the Word of God concerning many issues or matters that we face in life. We can always be sure that when we make choices in obedience to such direct commands of God’s word concerning anything, then those choices are the right choices. For instance, God’s word is explicit in instructing believers on the issue of forgiveness (see Ephesians 4:32, Colossians 3:13) so we should know the right choice when we have any grievance against anyone is the choice to forgive.

2. Choose to follow clear promptings by the Holy Spirit: Not all of our choices can be made based on direct Scriptural instructions since the Scriptures do not address every detail of our lives. However, believers in Christ have been introduced to a living dynamic relationship with the Holy Spirit and we are guided by Him (1st Corinthians 6:17, Romans 8:14-16). We read instances in the book of Acts where believers in Christ were directed clearly by the Holy Spirit as they made some particular choices (Acts 13:1-3, Acts 16:6-10). We need to always remain sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and to obey His voice when we clearly sense His directives as we make choices in life.

3. Choose to follow principles from the Word of God: Quite a number of times in our lives we face some decisions and yet there are no explicit commands in the Scriptures or clear directives of the Holy Spirit in those particular instances or situations. I have learnt to follow some principles from God’s word to guide me in making choices in such situations. Some of these principles include the following:

·         Consider the eternal over the temporary, or long term over short term benefits: Esau only looked at the short term benefit of instant gratification of his hunger like we saw last week but Moses did not look only at temporary benefits (see also 2nd Corinthians  4:17, 18)

·         Consider spiritual benefit/profit/advantage: As we make choices we need to consider this crucial principle. Will this choice edify me as a believer? Will it build me up? Or will it slow me down in my walk with God? ( see 1st Corinthians 6:12, 1st Corinthians 9:27, 1st Corinthians 10:23 and 1stCorinthians 14:26) We can decide rightly on many of our choices in life using this principle from God’s word.

·         Consider whether it will glorify God: “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for God’s glory” (1st Corinthians 10:31). Sometimes when we make choices, we ought to consider whether those choices will bring glory to God in any way. This helps us avoid many wrong turns along our paths in life.

4. Choose to approach the right people for advice: Last week, we looked at bad advice as one of the factors that could influence us to make wrong choices. In contrast to such bad influence of ungodly advice, God in His grace has placed different people in our lives whose advice become valuable when we are at some crossroads in life (see Proverbs 11:14, Proverbs 15:22, Proverbs 20:18). So I encourage you to seek godly advice from the people God has positioned in your life for such times. I have benefited immensely from many such people over the course of my life.
5. Choose to pray: The last practical step I will discuss in regard to making choices is prayer. “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective” (James 5:16b NIV). We are encouraged to ask for wisdom with an assurance that we will receive from God (James 1:5) but even aside this, prayer helps us to deal with many of the factors that influence us to make wrong choices. Sometimes our prayers do not necessarily change our situations or circumstances but actually we ourselves experience huge transformation in the place of prayer. As our Lord faced the most difficult period of His earthly life in He felt so much agony, He chose to pray and He was strengthened as He prayed (see Luke 22:41-45). Prayer produces an inner calmness and unblended tranquility in our hearts even in the midst of external pressures and extreme emotional turmoil (Philippians 4: 6, 7). So in times of pressure or difficulty, confusion or anxiety about choices, we can always pray to our Father. 

Watch out for the next series on Effervescing Thoughts titled "Who Are You?". It focuses on recognizing our true identity as believers in Christ Jesus. 

Sunday 23 October 2016

Choices (3)

Things To Avoid When Making Choices
As we have been considering in the last few weeks, our choices are powerful so it is important for us to consistently make the right choices and also avoid making the wrong ones. This week, I present some factors that could influence us to make wrong choices:

·         Uncontrolled emotions: It is well recognized that we are usually more vulnerable to making wrong choices when we are experiencing deep emotional upheavals whether positive or negative. For instance, when people are heart broken or sad and even when they are extremely happy, they become more prone to making poor choices. So avoid

·         Some physical conditions also make us more vulnerable to making wrong choices: Hunger, anger, loneliness and tiredness are the most common physical conditions that usually influence people negatively. Esau made a wrong choice when he was overwhelmed by hunger (Genesis 25: 29-34). As we saw last week, Simeon and Levi were influenced by anger (Genesis 49:5-7).

·         Pressure from others or peers: External pressure from others through bad advice or bad influence could lead us into making wrong choices. We have a good example in the life of Amnon (2 Samuel 13). Amnon was one of David’s sons who became attracted to his half-sister Tamar. Following the bad advice of his friend, Jonadab, he implemented a devious scheme to ensure he raped Tamar. Jonadab’s advice led to Amnon’s wrong choice and eventually not only incestuous rape but also fratricide as Tamar’s brother, Absalom killed Amnon 2 years later. It is in recognition of the power that our association with people have that Scriptures warn us repeatedly:

“The one who walks with the wise will become wise,
But a companion of fools will suffer harm.”
Proverbs 13:20 HCSB

“Do not be deceived: ‘Bad company corrupts good morals’”
1stCorinthians 15:33 HCSB

Some other times the pressure may not even be personally directed toward us. I mean there may be no one in particular giving a bad advice like in Amnon’s case. There could be what is termed a “herd mentality or mob mentality effect” in which people are influenced by their peers to adopt certain behaviours. Generally, there is a natural desire in us to want to "belong", to "feel among" our peers. And this sometimes makes us make the wrong choices. The people of Israel demanded for a King because they noticed that this was the system of governance operating in other nations around them (1st Samuel 8:5). We must however remember that we do not have to make choices based on what everyone else is doing. The popular choice is not always the right choice.

·         Impatience/hastiness: Many times people make choices without proper deliberation or consideration. In our haste or impatience we rush into wrong decisions, making wrong choices that we then regret later.

He that is slow to wrath isof great understanding: but he that ishasty of spirit exalteth folly
Proverbs 14:29 KJV

Also, thatthe soul be without knowledge, it is not good; and he that hasteth with his feet sinneth
Proverbs 19:2 KJV

Hastiness is sometimes a manifestation of lack of faith in God: “…he that believeth shall not make haste” (Isaiah 28:16b). We need to learn to avoid the influence of haste or impatience when making choices.

·         The trap of instant or immediate gratification: This is the desire to experience pleasure or fulfilment without any delay. It is linked with impatience and uncontrolled emotions or urges. Esau is another example of this common human experience. He gave up his birth right just to satiate his hunger (Hebrews 12:16 & 17). Many people still make wrong food choices in this same trap of instant gratification. Non-communicable diseases and health conditions like Obesity, Diabetes, Heart Disease and some liver diseases are on the increase and even worsened by our food choices. Yet, despite warnings or instructions from Medical Professionals many of us still make wrong choices because of the trap of instant gratification. 
      Another area in which people commonly fall into this trap of instant gratification is in sexual temptations. I remember being approached in the elevator of the hotel a couple of years ago on the last night of a short trip to Cape Town by a self-styled "Pleasure Consultant". She attempted to lure me to make a wrong choice by playing the instant gratification card. Many men and women are led to believe that their sexual desires must be fulfilled without any delay and this leads them to make a catalogue of wrong choices.

·         Substance use: This refers to consumption or use of alcohol or drugs like nicotine, methamphetamine, morphine, etc. This is one of the most dangerous things to ever gain control over people's ability to make the right choices. In the story of Lot (Genesis 19:30-38), we read about how he became the father of his daughter’s sons under the influence of alcohol. In our contemporary society, substance use is increasing at an alarming rate. Many young men and women are engaging in substance use in much larger quantities than before. These substances have the ability to influence people to a much higher degree, perhaps thousands of times in intensity than natural emotions. They could cause disorientation as well as abnormal physical and psychological responses thereby influencing people make wrong choices (Proverbs 20:1, Proverbs 23:29-35).

All these cloud our minds from focusing on God and impede us from exercising our volition with clarity so it is wise to avoid them when making our choices.

To be continued…

Sunday 16 October 2016

Choices (2)

The Power Of Choice
Life is about making choices. Some choices as we saw last week are more important than others. Every choice however, has its consequence. God has given us the power and freedom to make choices but you see, we are not free to choose the consequences of our actions. Sometimes simple choices when repeated become patterns that form character. We are usually in control before we make choices but sometimes once choices are made, those choices then control us. Eventually our choices go a long way in determining our successes or failures in different aspects of our lives.

Moses’ charge to Israel
As the Israelites got to the end of their wilderness sojourn, Moses spoke to them in Deuteronomy 30 and he repeatedly talked about their choices:

“Now listen! Today I am giving you a choice between life and death, between prosperity and disaster…Today I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses. Now I call on heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Oh, that you would choose life, so that you and your descendants might live!”
Deuteronomy 30:15, 19 New Living Translation

I come across many people who say “Pastor, I had no choice!” Many others attempt to shift the responsibility to others by saying “so and so made me do this” and a final card people pull out is “it was the devil!” Poor old devil takes the blame. And in so doing, people shirk the responsibility of the choices they make. You must remember that God has given you the power to choose and He expects you to exercise your choice wisely. In the words of Moses: choose life!

Reuben, Simeon and Levi
Genesis 49 records Jacob’s final address to his sons in which we read his declaration concerning his 3 oldest sons: 

“Reuben, you are my firstborn, my strength, the child of my vigorous youth. You are first in rank and first in power. But you are as unruly as a flood, and you will be first no longer. For you went to bed with my wife; you defiled my marriage couch. Simeon and Levi are two of a kind; their weapons are instruments of violence…for in their anger they murdered men, and they crippled oxen just for sport. A curse on their anger, for it is fierce; a curse on their wrath, for it is cruel. I will scatter them among the descendants of Jacob; I will disperse them throughout Israel”
Genesis 49:3-7 New Living Translation

Reuben was the first son but he lost the blessing and prestige that should have come to him with his position in the order of the birth of his father's sons. This was the consequence of a choice that Reuben had made several years earlier-he had slept with his father’s concubine (Genesis 35:22). Simeon and Levi were the next 2 sons but they really did not fare any better. Earlier in their lives motivated by anger and a desire for revenge, they killed not only their sister’s rapist but also his father and the men of the city (Genesis 34). All 3-Reuben, Simeon and Levi were paying for the choices they had made long before.

Jesus and the 2 criminals
Luke’s detailed account of the crucifixion of our Lord tells of 2 criminals who were also executed along with Jesus. At that point each had a choice on what to make of those moments-they were in their final moments on earth. One chose to mock the Lord while the other made a choice to commit himself to God’s mercy. Right there on the cross, Jesus assured the repentant criminal of his acceptance based on the choice he had made (Luke 23:39-43).

What choices are you making? Are you making the right choices? Do you simply drift through life not taking responsibility for your actions or inactions? Remember that our choices are powerful so we cannot afford to make wrong ones. I encourage you today: make the right choices.

To be continued…