Sunday 19 June 2016

Proper Personal Appraisal

Good day dear friends. It’s a new week and we are again going back to the book of Galatians. 

This week we will turn our attention to Galatians 6:3-5:

“For if a man think himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceiveth himself.  But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another. For every man shall bear his own burden.” King James Version

“If you think you are better than others, when you really aren't, you are wrong. Do your own work well, and then you will have something to be proud of. But don't compare yourself with others. We each must carry our own load.” Contemporary English Version

God’s word is timeless. His word revealed in the Bible still has relevance in our lives. The verses we are considering this week clearly show this to us. These verses ring through from decades ago since they were penned to address an issue that is important in our contemporary Christian communities and groups. They talk about proper personal appraisal. By this I mean the act of taking stock of one’s life-some kind of audit process to evaluate or examine one’s life. 

Many of us will be familiar with this idea. Most organizations and companies engage in some form of appraisal or audit. We audit accounts, and have mid-year appraisals, end-of-year appraisals and several kinds of periodic evaluations of one thing or the other. We also do similar things in our personal lives. If you’ve not been doing this, let me advise you to please begin to do so. It is something advocated in the Scriptures. Romans 12:3 and 2nd Corinthians 13:5 are some other verses of the Scriptures that readily come to mind whenever I think about this. 

The problem many times for most people is that such appraisals are turned to opportunities to indulge in improper self-congratulation. Sometimes we engage in a lot of unhealthy comparisons and it appears this was also true of the Galatians. We seem to forget that the race is not against our fellow Christians. I know quite a lot of believers who rest on their oars when they could achieve much more simply because they look around them and think they are the best around. 2nd Corinthians 10:12 says it is a foolish thing to do. We should evaluate our own lives without comparing ourselves with anyone else.

Verse 5 serves as a sobering reminder for us all: each one is responsible for his or her own matters. Many Bible scholars and commentators see this verse is a reference to the rewards to be given at Christ’s judgement seat (see 2nd Cor. 5:10), but I believe that verse incorporates both rewards in eternity and reaping the consequences of actions here on earth as we will see later in verses 7 and 8. 

We are in such times when people blame everyone else for their actions and errors or mistakes. What Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden in a moment of desperation has now been perfected like an art. Adam blamed Eve (and God by extension since it was God who gave Eve to him), Eve blamed the serpent and poor serpent, he had no one to blame! 

Modern man always tries to find an excuse for human behaviour. We make attempts to give excuses without taking personal responsibility. I am a bad Christian because my Pastor did so and so. I am keeping malice because that lady hurt me. My marriage isn’t as good as it should be because of such and such. I have walked that road before a good number of times. I have been tricked and I’ve tried to excuse some things in my life but you see I’m learning to always remind myself that all such thinking is not tenable before God. Are you travelling that road too? Is there something you’ve been making an excuse about?

God holds us responsible for our actions in our lives. Since you are responsible for your matters, there is no reason to compare yourself with anyone else. Evaluate your life in the light of the word of God. That is the proper appraisal God expects of us: sincere self-examination devoid of deception. 

My song for the week is “Diamonds” by Hawk Nelson. Proper self-appraisal is one of the processes God uses to make diamonds out of us as He refines us and helps us identify areas of improvement. May we allow Him do His work in us.

Do have a great day and a beautiful week. Keep basking in the inexhaustible grace of God.

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